1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
select iruser, ; count(IIF(irsrc)='F', 1, 0) as cuts ; from cItemrech, cBinloc ; irloc=41 AND blgrp!='35VNL' AND irbin=blbin AND irqty<0 AND irloc=blloc; order by iruser group by iruser into cursor cCuts readwrite
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
select iruser, ; count(IIF(irsrc='F', 1, 0)) as cuts ; from cItemrech, cBinloc ; WHERE ; irloc=41 AND blgrp!='35VNL' AND irbin=blbin AND irqty<0 AND irloc=blloc; order by iruser group by iruser into cursor cCuts readwrite