Question : access 2003 database, cannot open in access 2007

how can i access, access 2003 database, in access 2007
it give persmission error
attached error message

Answer : access 2003 database, cannot open in access 2007

Did u try to convert this to 2007 format? I believe security is now redundant in that or open the mdb inside 2007. Maybe you need to specify the path of the mdw file then

"msaccess path" "c:\mydb.mdb" /wrkgrp "c:\mydb.mdw"

replace "msaccess path" with the full path of msaccess.exe (2007 version) eg c:\program files\microsoft office\...

replace c:\mydb.mdb with your path c:\documents and settings\administrator etc

and the same with c:\mydb.mdw

Best to create a shortcut to do this

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