Question : MsgBox firing twice during OnCurrent event ???
I have put in a MsgBox command in the DetailFormat event of my form. The MsgBox displays the path to a linked picture which updates with every record.
I would expect this MsgBox to appear once, but in fact it appears twice as I page through from one page to the next of my report. It appears in a pattern something like this:
OnCurrent MsgBox displays: 1
OnCurrent MsgBox displays: 1-2
OnCurrent MsgBox displays: 2-3
OnCurrent MsgBox displays: 3-4
Basically, it seems to MsgBox the path to the object *about* to be displayed, and then it gives a MsgBox for the path of the object which is *next* to display. Seems odd to me that it displays twice.
Can someone explain to me why it is happening twice?
Here is my complete code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If (Dir(OPTCPath & "03\Authorization\" & Me.[Roll#] & ".tif") <> "") Then
Me![A].Picture = "Z:\03\Authorization\" & Me.[Roll#] & ".tif"
Me![A].Picture = ""
End If
MsgBox OPTCPath & Year & "\Authorization\" & Me.[Roll#] & ".tif"
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
Me![A].Picture = ""
End Sub
Answer : MsgBox firing twice during OnCurrent event ???
I'd go with nicos first as he posted before me-
As for my code, you'll need a new form dedicated to printing [or you can include it on an existing form] which has two textbox controls [default value 0] and a button to print the reports. Then you just add the code I provided to the click event of that button.
Dim runNo%
if RunNo%=1 then exit sub
if txtTo.value>dmax("[anyfiel
d]", "yourtable") then txtTo.value=dmax("[anyfiel
d]", "yourtable") AND runNo%=1
DoCmd.OpenReport "reportname", acNormal
Unlike Nicos code, this is on the proviso that your records have a number as their PK. The report uses a query to filter records >=txtFrom and
good luck
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