Question : VBA Loop through record names

I've got a database that contains the fields IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, IN5, IN6, IN7, IN8, IN9 and IN10.

I don't want to write the same code 10 times so I would like to just concatenate the number on to IN and loop through 10 times to check it.

like this:

for i = 1 to 10
        If Not IsNull(records![IN & i]) Then
            MsgBox "Valid Number"
        End If
next i

but i'm not sure of the syntax to accomplish this or if it's possible.  


Answer : VBA Loop through record names

my bust,... sorry

dim i as variant

change this:
  If Not IsNull(records![IN & i]) Then

  If Not IsNull(records("IN" & i) Then

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