Question : how to grant permission to db_owner to restore the backup database file in sql server

Hi All,

my requirement is to grant permission to a db_owner (database role) to restore a database.
I know that it is possible by granting him sysadmin and dbcreator fixed server roles and
the owner (dbo) of the database.I tried with giving dbcreator but still he is not able to
restore a database what is reason ? and let me know how to retrict him not to create
new database and delete the other existing databases.

please, let me know is there any other way to achieve this task.

Answer : how to grant permission to db_owner to restore the backup database file in sql server

This is going to be messy to clean up later.

If you forget to issue REVOKE CONNECT FROM ur_login_name for any databases thats being created from now on, you're in trouble. I bet someone will forget, if not you, your assistant, a 'helpful' administrator when youre on vacation etc. This can ofcourse be remedied by at job, that goes through every database and issues this command. But how often, once a day, well you have a security breach for average 12h. Not acceptable in my opinion!

Furthermore he is able to DROP other databases. Do a test, create a database with sysadmin account, and then try to drop in GUI, wont work, but open a query, and write: use master; drop database NewlyCreatedDB, again not acceptable!

I would suggest that you either trust the employee and educate him/her, or accept the fact that restore of databases on a regular basis requires the time from a trusted DBO.

Your only option outside of this would be to create an instance, move the database here, and let the user run this instance with sysadmin credentials.

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