Question : failure to convert ???

I have a procedure that is running this calculation:

(((CONVERT(numeric(20,4),p.bidprice) * p.askQty) +(CONVERT(numeric(20,4),p.askPrice) * p.BidQty)) /
(CONVERT(decimal(12,5),p.bidqty) + CONVERT(decimal(12,5),p.askqty))) AS MicroPrice

I've recently done a lot of clean up to the data in the underlying tables (trades, orders, prices), and now i am trying to regenerate some statistics w/this procedure, but it's failing w/msg 8114
Error converting data type varchar to numberic

I have always used a where clause in there because of two values in askprice and bidprice that are
non-numeric .   i thought maybe there was something new in there causing this, but a check on isnumeric returns nothing but 'NaN', which i handle in my where.  here's a genericized version of the whole thing:

SELECT t.reason AS OrderType,t.TradeTime,t.Side,o.OrderDate,o.Message,o.Action,o.Price,
(((CONVERT(numeric(20,4),p.bidprice) * p.askQty) +(CONVERT(numeric(20,4),p.askPrice) * p.BidQty)) /
(CONVERT(decimal(12,5),p.bidqty) + CONVERT(decimal(12,5),p.askqty))) AS MicroPrice
FROM database.dbo.trades t RIGHT OUTER JOIN database.dbo.orders o
  ON t.tradetime = o.orderdate
  AND t.side = o.action RIGHT OUTER JOIN database.dbo.prices p
    ON t.tradetime = p.pricedate
    AND p.AskPrice <> 'NaN' AND p.BidPrice <> 'NaN'

it has to be bidprice, askprice, bidqty or askqty causing this, and isnumeric check gives me nothing other than 'NaN' on the two price fields.  

does anybody know a good way to dig into this further and figure out what is causing the failure?

Answer : failure to convert ???

Ahhh well, it could have been worse - the title might have been "How to join", at least (I think) that "Failure to convert" has been well and truely answered.

where I would be going to from here (apart from the local bar)

1) create a view of the prices table with the converted values, and the microprice calculation without the NaN entries, and not 0 tradedqty
2) if sql 2005, index that view on datetime - need to read up on this because you are adding to the underlying datasets
3) create a new query joining trades and prices
4) try doing an inline query to get microprice

e.g. select trades.*, orders.*, (select top 1 microprices from vw_prices where pricesdate <= orderdate order by pricesdate desc) as microprice
from trades
inner join orders on trades.tradetime = orders.orderdate

the inline query is a bit of a killer - and can probably narrow it down to the day, but it is going to be tough to get the 'closest' any other way.

cheeres, have a drink on me, and maybe put this post to bed and start afresh with a new requirement...
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