Question : Import mailboxes into exhange 2010

I am working on a network with two separate forest.  One forest was for email only and has a Exchange 2003 SP2 install.  The other forest all the users log into and I am setting up a new Exchange 2010 server.   I am trying to get rid of the email only forest.

I have created mailboxes with identical email address in the 2010 server.    I exported all the mail boxes in the 2003 server with ExMerge.   The problem I am having is with the Import-Mailbox command. on the 2010 server.

I have followed the instructions located at

When I run the following command
Import-Mailbox -Identity UserName  -PSTFolderPath d:\UserName.PST -verbose

Error was found for Username ([email protected]) because: Error occurred in the step: Approving object. An unknow
n error has occurred., error code: -2147221219
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (0:Int32) [Import-Mailbox], RecipientTaskException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : F5738BA2,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.ImportMailbox

Does anyone have any ideas

Answer : Import mailboxes into exhange 2010

The Import-Mailbox function I was never able to get to work.   I do not beleve the issue I was having was related to security because after further testing I discovered that I got the same error when I tried the Export-Mailbox.  I even tried to Export-Mailbox with the user account I had setup to do the Import/Export exact same error.  I think the problem has something to do with the way I had Outlook 2010 64bit Beta installed.  I could be a error in the beta verson I do not know.

 I did not attempt to use ExMerge artical listed above however I would comment that the artical above was for 2007 and security has been overhaled 2010.

I worked around the problem by putting all the users pst files in a folder on the server.  I then when around a attached the users Outlook client to the new server then using the Outlook Import feature reimported there email.  Very labor intensive but it works.
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