Question : MS Outlook and Amicus Atorney

Recently problem occurred with Amicus Attorney and MS Outlook. Every time when AA is opened and email checked (send/reactive) MS Outlook will send and reactive, but after that will not. Clicking on send/reactive will do nothing.
I repaired Outlook, check system files and AA database but that did not help. Only way to bring outlook back to work is to restore windows to an earlier day and then will work. (I would just bring it one day earlier)
After unsuccessful search for answer I found that one of email was shoving in AA address book like this “ < [email protected]>” That was only one that was shoving like above and others was have only first part [email protected].
 I correct it by removing second part. Now problem is still on, but not often and I could get email working by going in task manager and end outlook processes. That will get Outlook working again. I show user how to do it and problem now is not major, but it is very annoying.
Office has two Computers and laptop. This happened only on one computer and on that computer is installed Amicus Attorney Administrator and data base. This computer and Laptop running Windows XP Pro SP2, other computer running Windows 2000 pro and it is almost not used. (Just spare PC for temp employ and backup)
All computers have IP given by router and it is DSL high speed internet. E-Mail is POP and no MS exchange or server. All software have proper license and registrations.
Pleas help me find solution for this problem.
Thank you.
PS. If this question is in wrong zone, please let me know where I should post it.

Answer : MS Outlook and Amicus Atorney

Hello to evryone.
I'm so sorry for so late answer and response. I have bin workin on it when ever I got time and continuesly one thing at the time. In time other computers was geting same problem.  of things going So I will make long story shorter.
Problem was MSXML 6.0 praser (KB936181). Once I removed it problem was gone. I install it again and problem repaired.  So removing MSXML 6.0 fixed problem. I looked in AA knowledge base and could not find anything regarding it. Computers running good and do not have any problems so far. MSXML 4.0 SP2  is installed and is required for PCLaw. Im not sure if this is absolutely correct, but it did get rid of annoying problem
Thank you all :)

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