Question : blue Screen on windows 2003 sp1

I have a server that is blue screening.  The stop error is as follows:



0x00000050 C0XBFA52AF4 0x00000000 C0XBFA52AF4

I have searched for it on microsofts website with no luck (like that was a supprise).  I have googled there anybody that can help?

Answer : blue Screen on windows 2003 sp1


According to crashing address BFA52AF4, probably it crashes at win32k.sys. The crash may be caused by faulty ram or device driver error (ie video, sound card, modem and etc). The system event log and the minidump has the most useful diagnostic information. When Windows crashes with blue screen, it writes a system event 1001 or 1003 and a minidump to the folder \windows\minidump. Check system event 1001 and 1003 and it has the detail of the blue screen.

Event ID: 1001
Source: Save Dump
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.The bugcheck was : 0xc000000a (0xe1270188, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x804032100).
Microsoft Windows..... A dump was saved in: .......

Event Source: System Error
Event Category: (102)
Event ID: 1003
Error code 1000007f, parameter1 0000000d, parameter2 00000000, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 00000000

Control Panel -> Adminstrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> System -> Event 1001/1003. Copy the content and paste it back here

Zip 5 to 6 minidumps to a zip file and attach it at any webspace. I will study the dump and find out the culprit. If you can't provide the minidumps, run memtest to stress test the ram. Make sure that your windows is not infected with spyware, adware adn chkdsk /r.

Get public webspace
Use a free service like rapidshare to attach the minidumps and post the url of the mimidumps at this thread.
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