Question : Outlook 2007 connecting to Exchange 2010. Cannot connect to email folders.
I just installed a new windows server 2008 R2 server in current domain. Installed Exchange 2010 on the new server. Transferred my mailboxes from the old 2008 DC which had exchange 2007. Uninstalled Exchange 2007 and demoted the old 2008 DC. Now Outlook 2007 on my worksations keep getting the following message when connecting to E2k10:
"Cannot Open your default email folders. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your offline folders"
I can connect and get emails using OWA. How can I get Outlook 2007 to work?
Answer : Outlook 2007 connecting to Exchange 2010. Cannot connect to email folders.
Has outlook changed to use the new server? The automatic redirection doesn't occur unless both the old and the new server are running.
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