Question : SBS Reinstall Monitoring MSDE after SP1 upgrade


I've been struggling with the monitoring and reporting feature for a while now.  The server was set up by another person who only set up a 7GB partition for Exchange, sharepoint and the SBSMonitoring DB.  I was able to successfully move the first two to the larger partition that was set up by using the guide posted at the MS support site, but was never able to get the monitoring and reporting to work following the migration.

I upgraded the server in the past couple of days to SBS2K3 SP1.  I had (naively) hoped this would solve the problem, but alas...

Now, I've followed the much-published procedure (the one most notably at for reinstalling Monitoring and Reporting, but whenever I try what appears to be a crucial step, running the Windows SBS2K3 setup to reinstall the monitoring DB, I get the following error (likely due to the recent SP1 update):

"You are attempting to install a version that is earlier than the current version.  You can only upgrade to a newer version.  Otherwise, complete a new installation of the previous version."

I get the same error when I run off the original install CD.

Now PLEASE tell me that I don't need to reinstall SBS2K3 fresh, then do the whole SP1 update again!  Please tell me there is another solution!

I anxiously await your reply.

Thanks in advance!

Answer : SBS Reinstall Monitoring MSDE after SP1 upgrade

After reviewing all of this, it looks as though your SP1 install didn't completely finish.  You can just reinstall SP1 (the SBS portion) and that may possibly fix your problem.  It certainly won't hurt to try.

Also, this is a quote from  You may find that it helps by extracting the components out of the SP if the above doesn't work for you.

"After SBS 2003 SP1 installation, you can uninstall the Companyweb or the Monitoring component, however, when reinstalling the components through 'SBS Integrated Setup', you are prompted to insert the CD 3

Insert Windows Small Business Server 2003 Disc 3 or point to location where Windows Small Business Server Setup files may be found. However, after inserting the original SBS CD3 and clicking OK, the wizard then gives the following error: The drive contains a disc for Windows Small Business Server 2003 with no service packs.  When the prompt appears, insert a disc for Windows Small Business Server 2003 with Service Pack 1. Since the CD3 for SBS SP1 doesn't include the Monitoring/Companyweb part, the installation cannot proceed. The reason for this behaviour is that SP1 has updated the Intranet component. Extract the SBS SP1 installation folders, then point the SBS Integrated setup program to the folder for the 'SP1 CD3' contents. The extraction process is listed below, please follow the exact steps or the extracted files will be removed.

Start a cmd prompt and change directory to the SP1 download folder (or the SBS03_SP1 folder on PKG_CD2).
Then key 'SBS2003-KB885918-SP1-X86-ENU.EXE /?', the installer extracts files into a guid-like folder name like C:\b5469c25ed0a876e198de1b10efc.
Meanwhile, the help message box is displayed. Do not click OK, or the GUID-like folder will vanish.
Instead, we go to 'Task Manager', end the process 'SBS2003-KB885918-SP1-X86-ENU.EXE' first, then, end the 'update.exe' process. By doing this, the install folder will remain on your hard disk. Note that you need to end these 2 process in turn.
Now go the download or CD folder which contains SBS2003-KB891193-X86-ENU.EXE. Open up a command console and issue 'SBS2003-KB891193-X86-ENU.EXE /?'.

The files will be extracted to another GUID-like folder and the Help window comes up. Again, we will not click OK on the Help window.
Go to 'Task Manager', and then end the process 'SBS2003-KB891193-X86-ENU.EXE' and 'update.exe' in turn. That will end the install process without cleaning up the extracted files.

Run the SBS Integrated setup, and when the setup program prompts for the CD3, point it to the GUID folder created above.
If the first folder doesn't have what the setup program wants, point to the second folder."

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