Question : How to change language in MS Access

Database is Access 2000 file format. Autoexec macro contains:
1. Echo on - No
2. OpenForm -  FormName: xxx, View: Form, Window Mode: Normal

No vba code behind xxx form.

When I open database, language bar is changed from EN to HR automatically.
Why and how to stop this?

Answer : How to change language in MS Access


Really strange behaviour..
However to switch languages from VBA you can try ActivateKeyboardLayout WinAPI call:

Place the following in general declarations of module:

Declare Function ActivateKeyboardLayout Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal HKL As Long, _
    ByVal Flags As Long) As Long

Place in OnLoad event of form or call this function from AutoExec macro:

ActivateKeyboardLayout 67702793, 0 ' to switch to English
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