Question : Batch File to dump list of Hostnames to IP Addresses
Hi, have a text file with 500 hostnames which I need to get the IP address for to create some firewall rules for.
I have seen the below batch but not sure how to apply it I have hostnames.txt and would like a simple batch file to ping all the results and then put into output.txt HOSTNAME
Could anyone help me with that before I start doing them 1 by 1.
@echo off
if "%~1"=="" echo Usage: %0 serverList [outfile]&goto :EOF
if not exist "%~1" echo %~1 does not exist&goto :EOF
set outFile=%~2
if "%~2"=="" set outFile=outfile.txt
if exist "%outFile%" del "%outFile%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type "%~1"') do call :PROCESS "%%a"
echo Results in %outFile%
goto :EOF
set ipAddr=Not found
for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%a in ('ping -n 1 %~1') do set ipAddr=%%a
echo %~1 %ipAddr% >>"%outFile%"
Answer : Batch File to dump list of Hostnames to IP Addresses
Yes, but you'll need to change c:\hosts.txt to the path/filename you're using for input.
Also change the final line's c:\output.txt if you want it somewhere else...
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