Question : Nokia E72 Microsoft Mail for Exchange -- Possible for Single User?

As per post ID: 24954621, I am looking for a mobile email solution
for my girlfriend who uses BES at work and IMAP for her
personal mail.  I am wondering if it is worth trying to
convince her work IT Department to allow her, as a single user
exception, to use a Nokia E72 with its built-in Microsoft Mail for
 Exchange, as an alternative to her BlackBerry.

I personally use a Nokia E71 (moving to E72 from next week)
with Profimail for my IMAP mail.  While Profimail is not perfect
it seems to be far superior than anything else out there in terms
of taking advantage of IMAP functionality.  But I have no idea how much of an
ask it would be for my girlfriend to argue as a single user for Microsoft Mail for
Exchange on an E72 since I have never used it.  But if she is
able to convince her IT Dept to let her do this she could run
Profimail to get her personal mail alongside her work email on
the same device.

So is asking to use an E72 for Exchange Email as a single user
a reasonable request worth trying?  If so, how does the
functionality compare with BES?  Would my girlfriend still be
able, for example, to update her calendar from her phone like
she currently can on her BB?

Answer : Nokia E72 Microsoft Mail for Exchange -- Possible for Single User?

Yes it isn't a wrong thing or a big thing that the IT dept should deny

Now the real question is whether the company she works for has a policy for BB devices ; if its her personal blackberry phone then they might just configure her exchange server account on her phone.

Nokia Mail for exchange, allows dynamic updates to calendar, mail, contacts, push notifications of new email and calendar events.

If the company she works for is already using BES they might have a policy so they can remote wipe the phone data incase of lost or damage or if she leaves work (if its a work phone)

She can always configure her exchange account on mail for exchange for nokia and still have her Blackberry

I would still suggest that blackberry is more superior in terms of usability but thats a personal choice (i dont own a blackberry - but have heard very good things about it from my clients / collegues).

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