Question : access sub-form with While...Wend to update main form

this is my problem: I have a form for orders, when I click on a "partial delivery" button it updates the stock level of a few selected fields of the sub form. I then add an info to the "actions" field of the main form, saying that the partial delivery button was clicked. This works, but now I want to add more info to the "actions" field, telling me exactly which products were processed. I've tried this:

Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = Me.orders_subform.Form.RecordsetClone
While Not rs.EOF
  If rs.Fields("Deliver_This") Then
    [Orders.Actions] = ([Orders.Actions] & Str(rs.Fields("Quantity")) & "x " & rs.Fields("Produktnumber") & vbNewLine)
  End If

but I keep getting a "Type Mismatch" error. [Orders.Actions] is a memo field, [Quantity] a number and [Productnumber] text. What am I doing wrong?

Answer : access sub-form with While...Wend to update main form

If it complains about DAO, go to Tools/References and check the latest version of the DAO Object Library

then run your code, with rs defined as DAO.Recordset
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