I was called in for a second opinion. The short answer is: you can't.
A cross-tab is a special kind of query, but it's still a query. Column names follow the same rules as field names, and periods are not allowed. Periods are used as separator between the table name and the field name, allowing them in table or field names would break the SQL parser.
You can use periods in captions, but that will not solve your problem, the chart will not use the captions.
Given your data, you can however flip the cross-tab on its side.
TRANSFORM First(TmpTable.Technical_Score) AS FirstOfTechnical_Score
SELECT TmpTable.Business_Score
FROM TmpTable
GROUP BY TmpTable.Business_Score
PIVOT TmpTable.Application_Name;
If you have less than about 250 applications, this cross-tab will work, and can be used as source for a chart. Simply change the setting from "data in rows" to "data in columns".
Good luck!