Question : How do I send email messages via Access using addresses from a table? The message will be different for each receiver.


We need to send email messages to about four hundred persons.  The email letter being sent to each of them will indicate that they have been accepted into a special program (the email will tell them which program); they have been awarded a certain amount of money to work with (the email will tell them how much); and they will be given a contact person, number and address to call (the email will given them that information also).  The table has all of the information they need and a filter will separate the selected person from the those not selected.  We use Outlook and would like for this to be close to automatic where we do not have to create separate letters and cut-n-paste into email messages.  The subject line will be the same for all messages.  The return will be from the user who is signed onto the system.

We have MS Word and can use it in conjunction with Access, if necessary.

Any ideas?  A simple solution, if possible, will be appreciated since we don't know a lot about the technical end of Access.



Answer : How do I send email messages via Access using addresses from a table? The message will be different for each receiver.

Here goes:

I just copied this from a web site I found

1. Open a blank Word document
2. From the Tools menu, select Letters and Mailings » Mail Merge Wizard...
The Mail Merge task pane appears.
3. From the Select document type section, select E-mail messages
4. At the bottom of the task pane, click NEXT: STARTING DOCUMENT
5. From the Select starting document section, select Use the current document
6. At the bottom of the task pane, click NEXT: SELECT RECIPIENTS
7. From the Select recipients section, select Use an existing list
8. From the Use an existing list section, click BROWSE...  The Select Data Source dialog box appears.

Note from Wing -  Here is where you select your access database.  IN the Files of Type drop down select either 'All files' or 'Access databases' and browse to the location of your db.  You will then be requried to select the table or query that contains your data

9. Locate and select the file you will use for your list
10. Click OPEN
The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box appears.
11. Select which recipients you want to include in your mail merge
NOTE: To edit the recipients' information, refer to Working with the Recipients List.
12. Click OK
13. At the bottom of the task pane, click NEXT: WRITE YOUR E-MAIL MESSAGE
14. If you have not already done so, type your message and insert the variable fields
15. When finished, click NEXT: PREVIEW YOUR E-MAIL MESSAGES
A preview of your first recipient appears.
NOTE: For more information on editing the recipients' information, refer to Working with the Recipients List.
HINT: To remove a recipient from the mail merge, from the Make changes section, click EXCLUDE THIS RECIPIENT
17. From the Merge section, click ELECTRONIC MAIL...
The Merge to E-mail dialog box appears.
17. From the To pull-down list, select the field with the email address
18. In the Subject line text box, type a subject line
19. From the Mail format pull-down list, select the desired format for your message
RECOMMENDED: To avoid being alerted on every record regarding an Outlook security measure, select HTML.
20. In the Send records section, select which records you want to include: All, Current Record, or to select only certain records, type in the appropriate values in the From and To text boxes
21. Click OK
The records will now be sent to your Outlook email recipients.

Good luck


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