Question : DLL created with AppWizard gives modal dialog; hand coded gives modeless !

Ah hello.

This is a continuation of the question at http:Q_21491163.html, in which I was asking about DLLs.  The issue this question is concerned with is why a DLL created with AppWizard containing a call to .DoModal() creates a truly modal dialog, and a DLL hand coded with no AppWizard support creates a modeless one, when ***both DoModal() calls pass NULL as the parent***

hemakumar posted this:

>> If u take the appwizard support u must have seen the application object created globally and the framework links a
default DllMain in the regulardll.When u call DoModal without passing ParentWindow the Frameowrk calls Internally

I have traced through my code at the DoModal() call and cannot see where



Can someone help me clarify this situation please ?


Answer : DLL created with AppWizard gives modal dialog; hand coded gives modeless !

So I can see what is happening, and why we get different parents, but why with the hand coded DLL, in AfxGetMainWnd(), does
CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();

return NULL

and with the AppWizard one return a valid CWinThread* ?

AfxGetThread()  return NuLL for hand -coded dll because there is no application created in it.

CWinApp is derived from CWinThread.So when app object is created it is stored in a module state strcuture by framework.As there is no WinApp object for hand-code there is no app stored in module state and hence the problem.

Hope u followed it.
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