Question : Edit (OLE) Links in a PowerPoint presentation
I have a problem with a PowerPoint presentation: we want to use the "Links" dialog (unter Office File menu, Prepare, Edit Links to Files) to change the source of some linked files, in this case movies we use in the presentation. When we open the dialog we get a list of all linked files (all on an existing and working network path), plus some dialog buttons for "Open Source", "Change Source", "Break Link", etc. However when we click a link, the buttons "Update Now", "Change Source", "Break Link" and below the "Update Automatic/Manual" option buttons get grayed out (SEE PICTURE). The file is not write protected in any way, the user has full file access to both the PowerPoint as well as the linked files, and no other user has any of the files open.
I have googled this and wasn't able to find what could be the cause for this behaviour. Any help would be appreciated.
Answer : Edit (OLE) Links in a PowerPoint presentation
This functionality is for OLE objects, not for video and multimedia.
You'll need something like FixLinks add-in to correct/change links to these files.
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