Question : Does anyone know how to create a check in check out Inventory.

Thank you for any one responding. I need help with a check in check out inventory control that references a populated table of products corresponding to specific barcodes. Does anyone have a solution or direct me in the right direction?

Thank you once again,


Answer : Does anyone know how to create a check in check out Inventory.

Chinese food at the keyboard is a programmers staple! so you are well on your way, you already know how to eat like one :)

ok so you will check out these items to individuals so the table for loging the activity will also be important to determining where things are. meaning that you will not necessarily have all items assigned to a station at all times.

Does the warehouse default, AddToInventory(), and AssignToStation() stuff make sense?

So we can modify the Inventory transfer table to do the job of option B. above..

EntryID < Autonumber PK
EmpID  < ForiegnKey to tblEmployees.EmpID
TranferType < In/Out

But now there is the issue of being able to see easily and at a glance where every piece of a particular barcode is. While you can do that here, you would have to first calculate all the in/out and see whether any employees have any pieces "floating" between stations right now.

Another way would be to treat every empID as a station, but that kinda mucks up the purpose of tblStationInv as being a record of what items are at what station. So I would suggest a new table to replace the tblTransferLog above: tblInvCheckOut could serve the dual purpose of logging transfers and allowing for a snapshot of those items that are "floating" between Stations.

CheckOutID < AutoNumber PK
Floating Y/N

then its a simple matter of...
 SELECT BarcodeNum, Qty, EmpID, OutDateTime FROM tblInvCheckOut WHERE Floating = True;

to see every uncompleted checkout - every employee that has inventory items checked out, or every inventory item that isnt at a station, however you want to see it.

and at the same time you have a record of every transfer - you could also add an InStationID if you want to confirm that it got to the right place or just rely on tblStationInv to show you what is where as far as the stations go.

Of course you dont really need the Floating Y/N field for this, you could chekc that it hasnt been checked in via the InDateTime field, but for readability I prefer to be able to use "If Floating then" in code and its not a ton of bloat, true and false can be represented by a single bit - its as small as data gets.

Sound plannish?

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