Question : Convert conditional formatting to normal formatting? conditional is lost when converting to Excel 95


I have a question that may sound silly: I am trying to convert conditional formatting to normal formatting; the reason is - I have to send some spreadsheets to computers that have Excel 95 and that does not support conditional formatting; my spreadsheet is now formatted to show red if under a certain value, yellow if between limits and green if above a certain value. When I save to 95, all this is lost. I don't know how to paste the formats so that it keeps the cell color, but without conditional formatting. I have to do this process many times a week, formatting manually wouldn't be very inefficient because I have about 30 cells that have to be individually formatted.

Any ideas?
I appreciate your help!!!

Answer : Convert conditional formatting to normal formatting? conditional is lost when converting to Excel 95

I can reproduce your problem--VBA was using the FormatConditions from the first cell in the series when using "Formula is". Activating the cell eliminated that problem--see modified sub below.

If you let me know how you were doing Conditional Formatting when you got the Type Mismatch error, I can chase that one down too. Also, please let me know which version of Excel you are using.

Sub NonConditionalFormatting()
Dim cel As Range
Dim boo As Boolean
Dim frmla As String
Dim i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'For Each cel In ActiveSheet.UsedRange  'Remove conditional formatting from entire worksheet
For Each cel In Selection   'Remove conditional formatting from selected cells
    If cel.FormatConditions.Count > 0 Then
        With cel.FormatConditions
            For i = 1 To .Count
                frmla = .Item(i).Formula1
                If Left(frmla, 1) = "=" Then
                    boo = Application.Evaluate(frmla)
                    Select Case .Item(i).Operator
                    Case xlEqual  ' =
                        frmla = cel & "=" & .Item(i).Formula1
                    Case xlNotEqual
                        frmla = cel & "<>" & .Item(i).Formula1
                    Case xlBetween
                        frmla = "AND(" & .Item(i).Formula1 & "<=" & cel & "," & cel & "<=" & .Item(i).Formula2 & ")"
                    Case xlNotBetween
                        frmla = "OR(" & .Item(i).Formula1 & ">" & cel & "," & cel & ">" & .Item(i).Formula2 & ")"
                    Case xlLess
                        frmla = cel & "<" & .Item(i).Formula1
                    Case xlLessEqual
                        frmla = cel & "<=" & .Item(i).Formula1
                    Case xlGreater
                        frmla = cel & ">" & .Item(i).Formula1
                    Case xlGreaterEqual
                        frmla = cel & ">=" & .Item(i).Formula1
                    End Select
                    boo = Application.Evaluate(frmla)
                End If
                If boo Then
                    cel.Font.ColorIndex = .Item(i).Font.ColorIndex
                    cel.Interior.ColorIndex = .Item(i).Interior.ColorIndex
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
        End With
    End If
Next cel
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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