Question : charts or graphs

I want to represent the above info pictorially so that it is easy to understand and present. So let me explain what this data means. It is nothing but some survey results. It gives you a count of how many people answered that the report is 'critically needed' or 'Nice to have' or' not needed'. Please help me choose teh right chart or graph or whatever in excel or access. I should also then be able to put it in powerpoint. I have not done much in charts or graphs - so please give me some clear instructions
I have also put this data in the attached excel file , just in case you find it difficult to read it from this window.

D      Sales Activity      By region, market, salesperson      Nice to Have      2
D      Sales Activity      By region, market, salesperson      Critically Needed      4
D      Sales Activity      Close ratio      Nice to Have      3
D      Sales Activity      Close ratio      Critically Needed      4
D      marketing results Activity      By State      Nice to Have      4
D      marketing results Activity      By State      Critically Needed      3
D      marketing rsults Activity      By marketing manager      Nice to Have      3
D      marketing results Activity      By marketing manager      Critically Needed      4

Answer : charts or graphs

Sara, if you post you data in the Code Snippet, it will retain the fixed character width format you used to create it - say like NotePad.
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