Question : cursor location

I've got a vb6 app thats usin jet 4 to talk to a client side access database.

what cursorLocation should i use?

client side?  or server side?  does it make a difference?  what IS the difference?

what gives best performance?

Here's teh weird thing... when i was using a serverside cursor - i would sometimes get a overflow error when adding a new record to a particular recordset using teh addNew call.  Now that i've moved to a client side cursor - i'm not getting the error any more!

Answer : cursor location

I'm not entirely sure but.... I don't think Jet really supports server side.

Server side basically means you want the server to do the work (gather the requested information and send to you only what you've asked).

Client side means all the data will transfer to the client pc and the client pc will search and retreive the requested data.

Advantages:  Server side (when using SQL Server) works faster since all the data is not moving through the network.  The server does the processing and only the results are passed to the client pc.

Disadvantages:  If too many server-side processes occur - they slow down the server.

Overflow only means that a variable is 'asked' to hold too high a number.  For instance, an integer can only contain a value less or equal to 32768.  If you try to put 32769 in it..... overflow.   Why you are getting this error only in your situation is pretty tough to figure out.... but I bet it has something to do with Jet and 'server-side'.  

I do a lot of work with SQL and Jet and I only use Client-side when using Jet.

Scott C
Random Solutions  
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