Question : Can't connect to database using ASP.NET Website Administration Tool?

When I open up the ASP.NET Website Administration Tool from Visual Studio 2005, I do so by opening up my website, going to WEBSITE and then choosing ASP.NET Configuration. When I click on the "Security" tab, it sits there a few moments until I finally get the error:

"There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.

"The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database."

If I click on the button marked, "Choose Data Store," I select the first option, click on "TEST" and just get a timeout error.

If I open up the database in SQL Server Management Studio, I can connect to the database fine.

I have SQL Server 2005 (Developer Edition) installed.

Any ideas how I can resolve this issue?  It is preventing me from proceeding with setting up ASP.NET 2.0's membership login features.


Answer : Can't connect to database using ASP.NET Website Administration Tool?

I was able to find the answer online (the issue was that I have SQL server Developer edition installed and VS 2005 has hooks in the MACHINE.config that are pointing to SQLExpress.  I have to bypass the connection string names in the web.config to overcome the errors).
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