Question : Reformatting Drives C D E and F

How would I go about reformatting my hard drives? I have a 1.2 gig C drive and I also have a hard drive that is 4.3 gigs...partitioned into drives D E and F.
The 4.3 HD was installed at a later date as well as other pieces of hardware and the setup CD's that came with this PacBell no longer work on this PC altho I can install win95 from the setup CD if my ROM drive is accessible at the time of bootup, but I have only reinstalled win95 OVER win95 using win95 (confusing I know :-/ ) so I am not sure how to install win95 from a dos command.
Please give a step by step of REformatting these drives...time to clean house ...thank you

Answer : Reformatting Drives C D E and F

Make sure you have a full version of Win95, and not the upgrade.  Then check what version of Win95 you have.  You can find out by right click on my computer and look at the version no.  Take note of if it's 950, 950A, 950B or 950C

Then make sure you have your CDRom driver and a Win95 startup disk.  The CDRom driver should have been came with your computer and you can create a Win95 startup disk by going Add/Remove Program>Startup disk.

Boot the computer with the Win95 startup disk, and run FDISK at command prompt.  At this point, depends of your Win95 version, it will prompt if you want to enable large disk support, choose no = FAT16 partition (all drives are limited to 2Gb max.), choose yes = FAT32 partition (drive can go beyong the 2Gb limit, but only supported with version 950B, and 950C).  Partition the disk accordingly, your can have 4 drive partitions like you used to, or 2 drives with D as 4.3Gb.

Then reboot with the Win95 startup disk again, and at command prompt, run FORMAT C:/S this will format the drive and transfer the system files needed to boot the machine.

Now, remove the Win95 startup disk and boot to C: prompt, install the CDRom driver, and reboot.  Now you can run setup from the Win95 CD to fresh install.
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