Question : SMTP e-mailing queries

Looking at the code in the above link is there anyway to attach an Acc Table/Query/Rport directly without dumping it to a file first?

paq'd by  special request, 125 refund
ee ai construct on 8/30/06

Answer : SMTP e-mailing queries

My final solution:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function SendSMTPMail(Subject As String, MsgTxt As String, RecipientEmails As String, _
                Optional RecieveDisplayName As String = "", Optional AttachFile As String = " ", _
                Optional AttachTableQueryReport As String = " ")

'Make sure you have a reference set to "SMTP Send Mail for VB6.0"
'(Menu bar --> Tools --> References)
'The list of attachments is expected to be a semi-colon delimted list.

Dim strExchangeServer As String
Dim poSendMail As vbSendMail.clsSendMail

Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim SQL As String

Dim AtchList As String
Dim Attch As Boolean

AtchList = ""
'Build the list of tables or files that are to be sent _
 along withthe e-mail.
If Trim(AttachTableQueryReport) <> "" Or Trim(AttachFile) <> "" Then
    Call OutputAttchForSend(AttachTableQueryReport, AttachFile)
    Attch = True
End If

'Actually send the e-mail
Set poSendMail = New clsSendMail
    poSendMail.SMTPHost = "DancingFurryPanda"
    'This can be hardcoded or use something like getusername function _
     to build it on the fly such as _
     poSendMail.from = getusername & "" _
     Note that building it on the fly you would want to modify the _
     FromDisplayName name as well.
    poSendMail.from = "[email protected]"
    poSendMail.FromDisplayName = "Network Admin"
    poSendMail.Recipient = RecipientEmails
    poSendMail.RecipientDisplayName = RecieveDisplayName
    poSendMail.Subject = Subject
    If Attch = True Then
        SQL = "SELECT File_Name, File_Date, Transmitted, Delete_Later " & _
            "FROM tbl_Attachments " & _
            "ORDER BY File_Name "
        Set DB = CurrentDb()
        Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(SQL)

        Do Until RS.EOF
            AtchList = AtchList & RS!File_Name & ";"
            With RS
                !Transmitted = True
            End With
        Set RS = Nothing
        Set DB = Nothing
        AtchList = Left(Trim(AtchList), Len(Trim(AtchList)) - 1)
        Debug.Print AtchList
        poSendMail.Attachment = AtchList    ' file attachment(s), optional
    End If
    poSendMail.Message = MsgTxt

    'Delete the files that were created on the fly for sending.
    SQL = "SELECT File_Name, File_Date, Transmitted, Delete_Later " & _
        "FROM tbl_Attachments " & _
        "WHERE Delete_Later = True" & _
        "ORDER BY File_Name "
    Set DB = CurrentDb()
    Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(SQL)

    Do Until RS.EOF
        Kill RS!File_Name
    Set RS = Nothing
    Set DB = Nothing

End Function

Public Function OutputAttchForSend(Optional ExistToAttch As String = "", _
                Optional CreateToAttach As String = "")
'This takes a semi-colon deleted list of tables or files to be _
 attached and inserts them into tbl_Attachments. The ExistToAttch _
 are files already on a drive. The CreateToAttach are tables, queries _
 or reports that need to be dumped to disk and then attached.

Dim I As Integer
Dim ReportName As String
Dim AttachType As Long
Dim SQL As String

'If this is the first run then tbl_Attachments doesn't exist and this calls a _
 function to create the table on the fly.
If DCount("Name", "MSysObjects", "Name = 'tbl_Attachments' And Type = 1") = 0 Then
    Call CreateAttachmentsTable
End If

SQL = "DELETE * FROM tbl_Attachments"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL SQL, True
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

CreateToAttach = Trim(CreateToAttach)

If Right(CreateToAttach, 1) = ";" Then
    CreateToAttach = Left(CreateToAttach, Len(CreateToAttach) - 1)
End If

Do Until Len(Trim(CreateToAttach)) = 0
    If InStr(1, CreateToAttach, ";", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Len(Trim(CreateToAttach)) > 0 Then
        ReportName = Trim(CreateToAttach)
        CreateToAttach = " "
        ReportName = Left(Trim(CreateToAttach), InStr(1, CreateToAttach, ";", vbTextCompare) - 1)
        CreateToAttach = Trim(Mid(CreateToAttach, Len(ReportName) + 2, 150))
    End If
    AttachType = DLookup("Type", "MSysObjects", "Name = '" & ReportName & "'")
    '-32764 = Report
    '1 = Native Acc Table
    '6 = Attached Acc/Excel/Foxpro Tables
    '4 = ODBC Tables
    '5 = Queries
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        If UCase(Dir("C:\TEMP", vbDirectory)) <> "TEMP" Then
            MkDir "C:\TEMP"
        End If
        Select Case AttachType
            Case -32764
                DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, ReportName, acFormatRTF, _
                    "C:\TEMP\" & ReportName & ".rtf", False
                SQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Attachments (File_Name, Delete_Later) " & _
                    "VALUES( 'C:\TEMP\" & ReportName & ".rtf',True)"
            Case 1, 4, 5, 6
                DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, ReportName, _
                    "C:\TEMP\" & ReportName & ".xls", True
                    SQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Attachments (File_Name, Delete_Later) " & _
                        "VALUES( 'C:\TEMP\" & ReportName & ".xls',True)"
            Case Else
                DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , ReportName, _
                    "C:\TEMP\" & ReportName & ".txt", True
                    SQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Attachments (File_Name, Delete_Later) " & _
                        "VALUES( 'C:\TEMP\" & ReportName & ".txt',True)"
        End Select
        DoCmd.RunSQL SQL, True
        Debug.Print ReportName
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Debug.Print CreateToAttach & " -- " & ReportName

ExistToAttch = Trim(ExistToAttch)

If Right(ExistToAttch, 1) = ";" Then
    ExistToAttch = Left(ExistToAttch, Len(ExistToAttch) - 1)
End If

Do Until Len(Trim(ExistToAttch)) = 0
    If InStr(1, ExistToAttch, ";", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Len(Trim(ExistToAttch)) > 0 Then
        ReportName = Trim(ExistToAttch)
        ExistToAttch = " "
        ReportName = Left(Trim(ExistToAttch), InStr(1, ExistToAttch, ";", vbTextCompare) - 1)
        ExistToAttch = Trim(Mid(ExistToAttch, Len(ReportName) + 2, 150))
    End If
    SQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Attachments (File_Name, Delete_Later) " & _
        "VALUES('" & ReportName & "',False)"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        DoCmd.RunSQL SQL, True
        Debug.Print ReportName
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Function

Public Function CreateAttachmentsTable()
'This function creates a table to store the list of attachments _
 to be sent with an e-mail.

Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim TableName As DAO.TableDef
Dim FieldName As DAO.Field
Dim FieldProperty As Property
Dim I As Integer

Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set TableName = DB.CreateTableDef("tbl_Attachments")
    With TableName
        .Fields.Append .CreateField("File_Date", dbDate)
        .Fields.Append .CreateField("File_Name", dbText, 75)
        .Fields.Append .CreateField("Transmitted", dbBoolean)
        .Fields.Append .CreateField("Delete_Later", dbBoolean)
        .Fields.Append .CreateField("Index_Num")
        .Fields("Index_Num").Type = dbLong
        .Fields("Index_Num").Attributes = dbAutoIncrField
        .Fields("File_Name").AllowZeroLength = True
        .Fields("File_Date").DefaultValue = "Date()"
    End With
    DB.TableDefs.Append TableName
    DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, "tbl_Attachments", True
End Function

< edited server name, email addresses as an anti-SPAM measure jimhorn PE >
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