Question : Having a weird Format Conditions problem...


I am writing some code to do a Format Conditions and having a weird problem.  The code is as follows:

    If fTestForControl(vForm, "JobIDShortCompany") Then 'this is just a little Function I wrote to test if a control exists on a form...
        Set objColor = ![JobIDShortCompany].FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "[JobID] = 0")
        Set objColor = ![JobIDShortCompany].FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , "[JobID] <> 0")

        With ![JobIDShortCompany].FormatConditions(0)
            .BackStyle = 1 <<< ERROR ON THIS! (weird)
            .BackColor = COLOR_GRAY_LT
        End With
        Set objColor = Nothing

        With ![JobIDShortCompany].FormatConditions(1)
            .BackStyle = 0
            .BackColor = COLOR_ROW_BLUE_DK
        End With
        Set objColor = Nothing

    End If

So the .backstyle = 1 is throwing me an error message that "this object doesn't support this property..."

Um, can someone help me here cause i don;t see what's wrong with my syntax.



Answer : Having a weird Format Conditions problem...

(ie: Backstyle is not an option under FormatConditions)
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