Question : Compile Error in VBA Access

I am coding in VBA for access and trying to access a web service. I have written the following code and keep getting a compile error: Object doesn't support this property or method...

Sub TestRequest()

    Dim WS As clsws_CustomerShippingServi
    Set WS = New clsws_CustomerShippingServi
    Dim CS_Request As struct_CreateLoadRequest
    Set CS_Request = New struct_CreateLoadRequest
    Dim CS_Response As New struct_CreateLoadResponse
    Dim str_SSID As String
    Dim strRequest As String
    Dim strResponse As String
    str_SSID = "5aad0e20-8edd-47db-b2ba-dd6b55c514a8"
    strRequest = WS.wsm_CreateShipment(str_SSID, CS_Request)

End Sub

Answer : Compile Error in VBA Access

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