Question : Access query using the "Like" command


I am having trouble with my Access query. I have a field that I would like to filter out by certain letters in that field.
This field is called Notes.
Each query will output about 5 - 10 rows.
In the Notes field it will be either blank, Superseded, ETS or cancelled. ( there will be numbers or words following those words I just listed except for the blank field of course)
I do not want to output any rows that have the word Superseded in that particularfeild called Notes.

I use the criteria of     Not Like "Su*"    for the field called Notes.
This work for the fields that have the word Superseded in it BUT it will also work for rows that have a blank Notes field. I want to show the rows that have the blanks field in Notes.
I tried everything I could think of and nothing will work for me. like "*S" or even typing out the full word like "Superseded*". I even tried to put a value before the S into the database like @Superseded and filter "@*" and it did not work.
Please let me know if you need more clarification,
Thank-you for your time to take a look.+

Answer : Access query using the "Like" command

Probably because your field are NULL ?  Try this criteria :
NZ(Notes, "") Not Like "Superseded*"
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