Question : How do I change field's data type when previously set using Lookup Wizard?

I am attaching my test database. In  tbl_AHC, I  used the Lookup Wizard to set the data type and lookup values for state and state2. The lookup wizard created the following statement:
SELECT tbl_states.Id, tbl_states.stateabbrev, tbl_states.state FROM tbl_states;  It assigned the field type to number. Then, I attempted to change the field type for state, but could not. Even after I deleted the Row Source and Row Source Type and changed the Display Source to Text Box, I still get the message:
"You cannot change the data type or field size of this field; it is part of one or more relationships." Where are these relationships set up? How do I change the data type of a field previously set using the LookUp Wizard?

Answer : How do I change field's data type when previously set using Lookup Wizard?

No, just remove the relationship on Tools-Relationships and you can change the data type on your table.

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