Question : How do I number couples of data in an MS Access 2007 Report?

Hi experts,

Is there any way to number couples of data in an MS Access 2007 Report?  I have a query which selects the names of people participating in an event.  I need to display the names in a report numbered as couples.  The names should appear sorted alphabetically.  There is no logic to the coupling other than labelling the first two names as '1' and the second two names as '2', etc.  For example:

1  Allan

2  Charles

3  Edward

I'm happy to implement in either the query or the report itself.  Thanks so much.

Answer : How do I number couples of data in an MS Access 2007 Report?

This is a bit messay but you do ...

add a textbox to the report detail line.(txt1)
Set the controlsource to =1 and set the Runningsum property to Over All.
Set the visible property to No.

add another textbox to the report detail line (this is your visible number)
set the controlsource to  
=(txt1+1)\2          (note \ NOT /)
set the HideDuplicates property to Yes
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