Question : SBS08 - Remote Web Workplace Certificate Error

I am running Small Business Server 2008 and when I try and access RWW, I can login and access Outlook Online but a certificate error is presented when I try and connect to the server or a client computer. I have copied the certificate install app on the server and installed it on the remote client but still get this error?

Thanks heaps for your help!!!

Answer : SBS08 - Remote Web Workplace Certificate Error

>>"I actually need to access RWW using the public IP address. "
This will not work with SBS 2008, you could with SBS 2003.

You need to have the certificate, the FQDN to which you connect, and the external  DNS record all agree.

By default SBS uses to set up the server and certificate. You need to set up an external DNS Host for pointing to the IP of the server. This will not change your other DNS configurations and you can still use your external Mail service. You can change from the default "remot....) if you like when running the "Set up my Internet Address wizard" which must be done. I assume you have if the certificate installation package is in the folder.

If you are using a dynamic IP for your public IP you will need to subscribe to a DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Service Like or and purchase their Plus managed DNS service or Custom DNS service, respectively, and move your DNS records to this service.,
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