Verfiy all the AD related services(DNS ,FRS,KDC,Netlogon) is running with ability to telnet the ports to other dc's.
What you need to verify the correct subnet are created & respective subnet is mapped to their site.
The right protocol IP has to be selected for sites.
The site link should be created along with added sites & replication topology.
Nslookup should be able to reolve host to IP & vice versa.
The primary dns & alternate dns has to be confired on ADC.
If the connection object is missing you can create repadmin /kcc servername or else manual create the automation.
Sysvol has to be shared & easiely accessible with proper read right.
AD, Sysvol,dns,dhcp folder has to be excluded from antivirus scan.
Verify all this in problem as well as healthy dc,then try to force the replication using repadmin /replicate
Run repadmin /syncall /a /e /p & it should be successful.