Question : Visual Foxpro 7.0 training

Hi Brothers
Can Anyone help me in finding any visual foxpro video training?

Answer : Visual Foxpro 7.0 training

I agree with the above comments.

Here is the set of free Basic VFP videos that I recommend
They are viewable on-line or downloadable

They are not focused on VFP 7 but they are pretty generally applicable.

One piece of advice would be to stay away from using the VFP Development Wizards.  
They end up doing a good bit of the work for you and prevent you from actually learning how to develop in VFP.

As the others have recommended above, you should consider working in VFP9 instead of VFP7 if you possibly can since it has more capability.

Also, regardless of VFP version - while we are not here to do the work FOR you, we are here to help advise and/or assist you through the issues as you encounter them.

Good Luck

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