Question : How to enhance current form design by adding some access control?

I have a form, the textboxes on the form are directly linked to external Oracle table. And when users move to a new record, or close the form, the data will be saved automatically (there are triggers in the oracle table so that all the actions will be saved to an audit table too).

What I need to do now is to add some security access control to this form to avoid anyone could save record, i.e. when users move to a new record, it will prompt user for "Do you want to save changes (YES/NO)", and when users click yes, the record will be saved. When users click no, the record will be cancelled. Also only users in a certain list could save record. My goal is have minimum change/risk to current production form (although I know it's best to create texboxes not associated with any field in the DB/table) while I could certain level of access control as described above. What I can think of now is in Form_beforeupdate action, I add some lines to check if current user is in the list of authenticated user, and to prompt user ""Do you want to save changes", etc. Is it normal to do that this way? Any better design to avoid any user be able to save the record when they move to a new line? Thanks.

Answer : How to enhance current form design by adding some access control?

You really have two questions here:

Take a look at, " Check for required items" to see the events you need to capture to accomplish this with a bound form.

Take a look at to see what you need to do to accomplish this.
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