Question : Dynamics CRM - Share activity based on team

Hi - We have different teams to target different market segments, and have accordingly created teams in Dynamics CRM. We created a plug-in to automatically share Accounts with the Owner's team. Thus managers can see Accounts/Contacts and Opportunities/Quotes created by their subordinates.

Problem arises with Activities. Since there is no way to share an activity, I request ideas/inputs to achieve the following...
"A manager should be able to see all Activities (at least Service Activity) created by a subordinate."

One idea I had was to immediately change the owner of a service activity to the manager. Thus the subordinate can read it, since their name will be there in the resource list, but may not be able to edit. Thus I need a better solution.

Answer : Dynamics CRM - Share activity based on team

OK, we got a solution to this. We simply added a new field where we allow the user to select one Account only. Using this Account field, the activity is shared among all team members.
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