Question : SBS Shutting itself down! It says I have multiple domain controllers when I don't!

Hello everyone,

I have been running our company website at our web host on Windows Small Business Server 2003 for the past 8 months with no problem, and suddenly in the last couple days, it has been shutting itself off randomly. The suspect is the SBCore service, and this is what it says in the event log:

"Multiple domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server have been detected in your domain. This computer will shut down in 30 minutes unless you remove all but one of these from the domain."

Then 30 minutes later:

"The server was shut down because it did not comply with the EULA. For more information, contact Microsoft."

There is only one computer in the domain: itself. And there definitely aren't any other domain controllers, at least that I can find. I tried restarting in Safe Mode, renaming the file sbscrexe.exe and then deleting the registry entry for SBCore, but it would not let me alter permissions on SBCore. So I tried restarting with sbscrexe renamed and the computer wouldn't even start up, so I had to rename it back. So here I am still with this problem.

Microsoft has this to say about it:;en-us;555087

It says that happens when integrated setup has not been completed after 7 days... But it's been running for 8 months. And I tried running integrated setup again, and it appeared like it had finished, because it only gave me the option of reinstalling installed components.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Or why might it think there are other domain controllers? Or why it was suddenly onset?

Thank you so much!

Answer : SBS Shutting itself down! It says I have multiple domain controllers when I don't!

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