Question : How to show number of messages besides a folder

This question is about Outlook, 2002 and 2003.

Currently a folder shows the number of UNREAD e-mail besides a folder with the folder name and the # being bold. Is there a way to customize or toggle among the following 3 options?

1. Show the NUMBER of READ messages ONLY;
2. Show the NUMBER of BOTH READ AND UNREAD messages;
3. SHOW the NUMBER of UNREAD messages ONLY (current default settings in Outlook).

If possible, how can I apply the setting to a SINGLE Folder ONLY or MULTIPLE SELECTED folders or ALL FOLDERS?

Thank you.

Answer : How to show number of messages besides a folder

According to Microsoft's documentation you aren't going to be able to show both counts at the same time.  At least not in the navigation pane.  Here's the documentation for the settings available to the property that controls what value is displayed.

The OlShowItemCount constant can be one of the following:
olShowNoItemCount (0)
olShowUnreadItemCount (1)
olShowTotalItemCount (2)
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