Question : Unable to connect Outlook via RPC over HTTP

I'm running SBS 2003 with Exchange SP2

After configuring the Outlook client for RPC/HTTP I cannot logon, it used to work and something broke.

I ran test and this is what I'm getting

Testing RPC/HTTP connectivity
       RPC/HTTP test failed
      Test Steps
      Attempting to Resolve the host name in DNS.
       Host successfully Resolved
      Additional Details
       IP(s) returned:
      Testing TCP Port 443 on host to ensure it is listening/open.
       The port was opened successfully.
      Testing SSL Certificate for validity.
       The certificate passed all validation requirements.
      Test Steps
      Validating certificate name
       Successfully validated the certificate name
      Additional Details
       Found hostname in Certificate Subject Common name
      Validating certificate trust
       Certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in chain
      Additional Details
       The Certificate chain has be validated up to a trusted root. Root = [email protected], CN=, OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority, O="ValiCert, Inc.", L=ValiCert Validation Network
      Testing certificate date to ensure validity
       Date Validation passed. The certificate is not expired.
      Additional Details
       Certificate is valid: NotBefore = 11/21/2008 3:12:41 PM, NotAfter = 12/14/2011 11:02:15 AM
      Testing Http Authentication Methods for URL
       Http Authentication Test failed
      Additional Details
       Exception Details:
Message: The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
Type: System.Net.WebException
Stack Trace:
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Tools.ExRca.Tests.HttpAuthMethodsTest.GetSupportedHttpAuthMethods()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Tools.ExRca.Tests.HttpAuthMethodsTest.PerformTestReally()

The only thing I tried was to remove RPC component rest IIS and add it back. Didn't make any difference.

what else should I check?

thank you

Answer : Unable to connect Outlook via RPC over HTTP

After removing and reinstalling the RPC Proxy component, did you run the Connect to the Internet and Configure Email wizard again? If not then you need to, as the changes it made were removed when you reinstalling the proxy.

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