Question : Shading alternating rows in reports

Hi Experts. I once needed to shade alternating rows in a report, so I found this article on Microsoft's site: which was really great to get my rows change colors in Detail portion of the report. How would I change this script to change shading in footer only? Here's now my report layout looks:

Report Header
Page Header
Column1    Column2    Column3
----------------------------------------------------------- nothing in GroupHeader0
----------------------------------------------------------- nothing in Detail portion of the report either
SumColumn2    SumColumn3
Page Footer
----------------------------------------------------------- nothing in page footer
Report Footer
----------------------------------------------------------- I have date in report footer

So, In this case my report only shows sums per Grouped Header. The summed amounts are shown in the footer. That the part that I want to change colors, but i can't get it to work. I know i need to put some code into

Private Sub GroupFooter1_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

End Sub

But no matter what I try, nothing works at this time. Please help!!!


Answer : Shading alternating rows in reports

I use the following to color alternate rows: Change txtField to the names of your controls/labels and place this in the Footer_Format Event

        ' Need to create a control name LineNum with it's source =-1, Running Sum - Overall. (This is a Hidden Textbox)
    Const White = 16777215
    Const Gray = 15066597
    If (Me![LineNum] Mod 2) = 0 Then
        txtField1.BackColor = Gray
        txtField2.BackColor = Gray
        txtField3.BackColor = Gray
        txtField1.BackColor = White
        txtField2.BackColor = White
        txtField3.BackColor = White
    End If

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