Question : Unable to deploy to RDL to Sharepoint Library


I have mysharepoint and SQL reporting server on: and

Under reports, I created the reportserver and setup the database as Sharepoint Integrated Mode.

I've installed the sharepoint addin or sql rs 2005 - did the whole grant access and URL.

But from a remote machine when I try to use Microsoft Report Designer to deploy a simple RDL and DataSource, I an't get past the Report Services Login dialogb ox.

If I specify the report server URL - I get the proper error stating that you can't deploy directly to a report server in Sharepoint Integrated Mode.

But when I try to deploy to my WSS 3.0 site's subsite document folder named "reports": (i.e.

I keep getting the login box as i its incorrect.  I am using WSS and not MOSS - is that an issue?  ANy suggestions would be appreciated.

Answer : Unable to deploy to RDL to Sharepoint Library

Please review this guide to make sure you have set everything up correctly.

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