Question : Format a portion of text box in bold

Is it possible to format a portion of a text box in bold & leave the rest unbolded?  The same question goes for color.

I have a report that is emailed from an Access form (good 'ol command button!) & I would really like to use a string like the following as Control Source of a textbox:
= EquipmentName & " ran at " & Efficiency & "% for " & Duration
where EquipmentName, Efficiency & Duration are values picked up from the query.

Concatonating the string isn't the problem...the problem is that I'm supposed to put EquipmentName, Efficiency & Duration in bold and leave the rest of the string unbolded.  In addition, I need for Efficiency to be red.  (good ol' 255!)

Can you change these particular text properties for only a portion of a string?


Answer : Format a portion of text box in bold

I have asked this very question to MS paid tech support - I have been assured that it cannot be done in a single field.  The properties (such as color and font attributes) are assigned to the whole object (ie., the text box or label) and cannot be defined for indiviual elements of the object (such as the first three letters).  

I hope I was given bum info - but I doubt it.  Everything I know about Access is consistant with this bad news.  

Kirk out
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