Question : Create Database for freeform answers

Hello experts,

I have a database nightmare, in that I've been tasked to store, and eventually report on, response data taken from classes.  For instance, the class is told to give 6 characteristics of leadership, and they come up with 6 random answers.  Naturally, the answers will be varied and random, so I cannot really do any sort of standardizing the answers.  I need to store this data, and report on what trends we may find.  There are two groups of questions, most having around 6 answers.  Some are like, "List 6 good and bad characteristics of XXXX."  

I just need some advice on how to build the table structure of the database.  I'm thinking of making a table for each question, and then saving each answer as a different record in that table.  I would make a "submit" button, and the people could put multiple answers per field on a form by entering the word, then clicking submit until there were no more words for that field to enter.  That sounds tedious to me though, and I'm sure that you guys will have some idea of how to think about this project.

Thanks for the help, and I hope my question is clear enough.  I've assigned high value for difficulty, and for urgency.  


Answer : Create Database for freeform answers

You could supply a table driven drop down (combo box) that will allow users to select one or type in a new one.  If the desired one doesn't appear on the list - the user makes a new one up and the program adds the new enty to the table.  Once in the table - it will appear on the drop-down.

It won't fix mispellings - but I bet it will keep 'em to a minimum.

Scott C
Random Solutions  
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