Question : Exchange 07 setup error Remote Registry service is not running

I'm installing Exchange 2007 in a very simple test lab environment which includes one 2003 server AD DC which has been installed, promoted, and switched to native mode 2003.  I installed the .net and powershell pre-reqs.  When installing Exchange I get an error that states "There was a problem accessing the registry on this computer. This may happen if the Remote Registry service is not running; it may also indicate a network problem."  The setup log is posted below.  I have confirmed that the Remote Registry service is up and running on both the exchange server and the DC.  Any ideas folks?

Flo from TO

9/27/2007 8:01:46 AM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[9/27/2007 8:01:46 AM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController 'DRAD1.drtest.local' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '8.0.685.25' -Roles 'Mailbox' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess','Mailbox' -CreatePublicDB $false -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true'  
[9/27/2007 8:01:46 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[9/27/2007 8:01:49 AM] [1] [ERROR] There was a problem accessing the registry on this computer. This may happen if the Remote Registry service is not running; it may also indicate a network problem.
[9/27/2007 8:01:49 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[9/27/2007 8:03:34 AM] [0] End of Setup
[9/27/2007 8:03:34 AM] [0] **********************************************

Answer : Exchange 07 setup error Remote Registry service is not running

Check to see if Windows File and Print sharing is installed on the NIC of the exchange server (I would make sure its on everywhere just to be certain) but I belive exchange requires this service running to install properly....

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