Question : How remove decimal and 2 trailing zeros from multiple values in field


I have a table that has numeric values (eg. 2506.00) that I have already convert to text.  Now I need to remove the decimal and the 2 trailing zeros.  The field name is Group_Index.  Also, in case you need to know, the values are not all 4 digits. They actually start at 1.00, then go all the way to 2506.00.

So I want 2506.00 to be changed to 2506.

Would I do this using an update query?  How should it be written?  If you can provide me with the SQL that would be even better!


Answer : How remove decimal and 2 trailing zeros from multiple values in field

How about

UPDATE Parcel_Info SET Parcel_Info.Group_Index = Left(Group_Index,Len(Group_Index)-3   );
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