Question : MS Access continuous forms - background color from field

Hi all,

I have an Access form which is set to Continuous Form view and is driven by a query.  The query outputs a number of text fields which are displayed on the form in addition to a numeric field which stores an access color.

(query: key_field, text1, text2, text3, bg_color)

I want to set the backcolor of each of form in the continuous view to equal the color in the bg_color field.
Does anyone know how I can do this?


Answer : MS Access continuous forms - background color from field

  Somewhat along the lines of the techinque that cquinn mentioned I have a sample database that shows you how to conditionaly color without having to use conditional formatting (it may be the same technique, as he said it worked in A97).

  I  that I can send to you if you wish.  Drop me a line at 'jimdettman"@"" and I'll send it along.

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