Question : Can't find Outlook contacts folder

When I open a new email in Outlook 2003 and I choose "To" to populate the address field, I see
my contacts folder listed and it has about 50 names in it.  When I go to the contacts folder in Outlook there are only 10 names and they are not teh same names as the contacts I see under "to".  I can't find the contacts folder with the 50 names anywhere in Outlook folders view.  I only see the contacts folder with 10 names. Any idea on where the one with 50 names is and why I can't see it inthe folder view?

Answer : Can't find Outlook contacts folder

Try this:

Click File - Import and Export - Export to a file - Comma Separated Values (Windows) - select Contacts - Choose a place to save the file - Finish.

Once the file has been saved onto the computer open it with Excel and see if all of your contacts are listed there. If they are, then import them back into Outlook. They should all show then. Also, if there are any sub folders under Contacts, export them as well.

If the exported list doesn't show all of your contacts, then you will have to go about moving them the long way. To do that you will need to go into the address book and view the list that is NOT showing up under the Contacts folder. Then one by one highlight them - click File - Add to Contacts. Doing this will move those contacts into the Contacts folder, and then they will all show under one.
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