Question : Sharing workbook lock for editing


I have created a shared excel workbook for some users to share across the network for editing of data.

The steps for each user before they enter data into the workbook is to click on  "Refresh" button (added through "Customize->Web->Refresh"), enter the data, and save. At times when they click "Refresh", the system will prompt asking if it's ok to re-open the workbook.

For the workbook, there are 3 users using it, all updating the same worksheets, but different columns.

Initially it seems to be working ok, but recently, I begin to have a lot of "File is lock for editing by xxx", and the user is given the option to click "Read-Only" or "Notify", but this is no good, as the user then cannot enter the data intended to share with everybody. I have asked all of them to close the file, and open again, but this message still stays. In the end, I have to save the file into another name, and inform all users about the new file name. Even after all users logout and goes home, the file still remains locked, in the end, I have to break the share on the folder to kill any other lingering connection, after which will be ok.

I took a look at the "Share workbook" option, and find that there are a lot of users in the "Who has this workbook open now:" and their date of opening is not today (can be 1 week ago). Could it be these accounts that is causing the confusion in the lock?

Is refresh the likely cause of the files being lock?


Answer : Sharing workbook lock for editing

Please don't shoot the messenger, but a shared Excel workbook "for update" is almost an oxymoron. Here are a few of Microsoft's own websites referring to the issues with sharing a workbook on a network drive:;EN-US;271513

You're gonna find if you "google" around on this issue that the ideal use of "sharing" is in a read-only manner.

If you want to concurrently update data, I recommend you set up an Access database.
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