Question : Verifying DMI Pool Data& A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

I have a Acer Aspire T180 Desktop compuer. Serial # PTS560Y0547250573c2704. I receive the following error: Verifying DMI Pool Data& A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. I try to restart and the same thing comes up.  I do not have a recovery disk but I do have a Windows Visa install Disk. I can not boot into window safe mode, all I get is the screen with the Verifying DMI Pool data.  From what I have  read, it looks like it might be a hard drive problem. Does anyone know of a Hard Drive Self Test in the BIOS and how to access it? Before this happened I had a problem installing Vista SP2 on the computer, this is why I was attempting to install a new install of Vista and then run windows update to install sp2.  Please Help!!!  Thank you.

Answer : Verifying DMI Pool Data& A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

If The pc is under Warranty call the service guy and replace HDD. if not buy a new HDD and replace by self

before just check data cable.  try to refix memory, I don't feel it have Self test utily in Bios. try with any HDD utily and conform before replace HDD is it is the issue with HDD
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