Question : how to use 2 webservers behind firewall

We are running 2 webservers:
Win2000 with IIS and Win2003 with WAMP2

The Win2000 with IIS is our primary and all port forwarding from router is poiting to this.
For some reason we cant get PHP later than 4 to work on it and we prefere not to do to much as the server is not to stabile. We will within some months update it, but meanwhile i have the following problem.

We have a domain that is running from primary webserver.
Then I have a PHP helpdesk that has been installed on the secoundary server and live on
http://IP for 2nd host/support.

I want when users go to, they should be redirected to this folder and the php should also be executed on that secoundary Webserver. Is that possible?

Is it better to move that whole domain over to secoundary webserver, meaning router still forwards to primary webserver but then we make a forward over to secoundary without having straight port 80 trafic from router to secoundary webserver.

Hope that was to understand

Kind Regards

Answer : how to use 2 webservers behind firewall


You can host /support folder which contains all PHP files to second server and then from your primary server create a web forwarding by right click on website and define "Forward to an URL", so each client would first comes ot your router and then router will forward to primary server and then primary server IIS would forward it to secondary server.

Faraz H. Khan
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